Professor of Design Thinking - Tecnico, U. Lisbon | ITI, LARSYS
<aside> <img src="/icons/directions_purple.svg" alt="/icons/directions_purple.svg" width="40px" /> I am based in Tecnico at the Interactive Technologies Institute, Hub Criativo Beato, in Lisbon (valentina.nisi(at) Address: Rua da Manutenção 71, Edifício F, Unit 05 - 1900-318 Lisbon, Portugal
<aside> <img src="/icons/user_pink.svg" alt="/icons/user_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Biographical Sketch
Valentina Nisi is a Full Professor of Design Thinking at Técnico - U. Lisbon, where she teaches and researches Digital Interactive Design, Art, and Media. She holds a Fine Arts (BA), Multimedia (MsC), and a Ph.D. in Location Based Narratives from the Computer Science Department of Trinity College Dublin. She worked for four years at MIT MediaLabEurope, investigating wireless mobile technologies' potential in cinematic non-linear narratives. Valentina has published, exhibited, and taught internationally in digital media, art, and design. Valentina is a founding researcher and vice president of the Board at the Interactive Technologies Institute LARSyS, Her research engages with HCI post-human concerns mainly through Interactive Digital Storytelling and Gaming, bringing awareness to pressing social and environmental issues. Her most recent projects explore using Interactive media and storytelling to bring awareness to the sustainability, inclusion and preservation of all kinds of Heritage.